There are plenty of ways to make garden art flowers from metal including soda can tins. These creations from Etsy should give you plenty of ideas. Also see, How to make glass garden art … [Read more...]
Gift Ideas
12 Signs to Stop Unwanted Solicitors from Knocking on Your Door
If you are annoyed by unwanted sales people and solicitors knocking at your door, one of these signs may help. From polite requests to full-on zombie threats, there is something for everyone. For … [Read more...]
Etsy Favourites with a Garden Twist
I think I’ve found a great new way to enjoy the beauty of dandelion seeds without them spreading all over the garden (see item #1). And, if you want the ultimate gift for a gardener on … [Read more...]
Vintage Harvest Essentials for Gardeners
Harvest is a beautiful and busy time of year for gardeners. These are some favorite essential supplies for gathering and preserving the fall harvest that combine vintage style, … [Read more...]