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If you love creative + frugal home and (mostly) garden ideas, this is for you.
No spam. No hype. Just a bunch of creative and interesting ideas to grab for your garden, no matter how big or small.
- Gardening tips focus on ecological practices for those of us gardening in cold climates in Canada and the United States.
- DIY projects featuring ways to get creative through upcycling and thriftiness.
Choose What You Like
There are 3 options, each a little different—all free— (choose as many as you like):
- Newsletter (every 2nd Friday)
- Weekly Updates (every Saturday)
- Midweek Blooms (every Wednesday) – starts Wednesday December 4, 2024
Try them all—you can change your choices or unsubscribe at any time.
How To Subscribe—Three Steps
1Fill out the form.
2Check your inbox for an email from Empress of Dirt with the subject “Confirm your email address.”
3Click on the confirmation link in the email to complete your subscription. If you don’t do this, you are not subscribed.
After Subscribing
A one-time welcome message will arrive with some tips.
After that, newsletters are sent every other Friday.
Weekly updates arrive each Saturday.
Midweek Blooms are sent on Wednesdays.
I look forward to having you along for ride.
~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛
Feedback From Newsletter Readers
These are highlights from emails sent by readers of the Empress of Dirt newsletter. When writing, I do my best to provide factual and encouraging tips. It is greatly rewarding when readers tell me I am doing just that!
“I look forward to your newsletter every 2 weeks. It is such a great mix of plant science and general garden design and tips. Thank you and keep them coming.”
“I just wanted you to know how refreshing your mailing is. There are so many out there that force themselves to come up with relevant information every week and it comes off as tired, and forced. Your topics are always both timeless and timely, and have a healthy base in science, for laymen. Thank you for sharing your gardening wisdom and for providing a place for other gardeners to share theirs. “
“Melissa, thank you from the bottom of this old gardener’s heart for what you do on this email service. You are soo appreciated for your time and effort to serve this community. Be blessed in knowing you are making a difference in this life of mine and I’m sure many others. Please continue your good work.”
“Your gardening newsletter is excellent ! I follow you from France, but that makes no difference. I learn so much, even though I am a gardener of many years, starting out in the United States and presently in France. I think the best part of your articles are aimed at novice gardeners, but continue to inform more experienced garden enthusiasts — in other words, you’ve got us all covered ! Thank you for this unique approach to gardening information.”
“I thoroughly enjoy your newsletter. It is always filled with so much practical information, which is easy to understand and easy to put into practice. Thank you so much! Please take care and happy gardening!”
“Of all the emails I get I welcome yours the most. Always here and always full of great news.”