Use this free garden name generator to create a unique name for your garden. Whether you want it funny, mysterious, fantastic, romantic, or wild, your custom garden name awaits you. Or, hit the I’m feeling lucky button and see what comes up.
Once you’ve decided on a name, be sure to create a custom sign with your unique garden name.

What’s Your Garden Name?
Every garden deserves a one-of-a-kind name!
Use the generator below to come up with a unique name for your growing space.
How It Works
Choose I’m feeling lucky and let the generator pick a name for you
Answer a few questions for a customized suggestion based on your garden style and mood.
Each name generated will appear in the results box below.
How Do I Save My Name For Future Reference?
The copy buttons allow you to copy and paste the garden name text into a file or note on your device.
- Copy to clipboard copies the latest result.
- Copy your results to clipboard saves your 5 most recent names generated.
And be sure to share your favorite names in the comments below.
Empress of Dirt
Garden Name Generator
Answer these questions:
Your Recent Results (holds up to 5):
Disclaimer: any resemblance to existing names is purely coincidental.
About The Garden Name Generator
The Empress of Dirt Garden Name Generator comes up with unique garden names.
No matter where or how you grow, your growing space deserves a name!
The poetic nature of this magical name creator will particularly appeal to Harry Potter fans and those with a love of enchanting word combinations.
If you want something extra, as the kids say, be sure to use the Optional button to give the output a funny, snooty, or fantastic tone.
Garden Name Traits
Type of Garden
- Houseplants
- Windowsill
- Balcony
- Patio
- Front / backyard
- Country / rural
- Community garden / allotment
- Happy
- Melancholy
- Mysterious
- Romantic
- Wild
- Flowers
- Vegetables
- Herbs
- Trees
- Bees & butterflies
- Birds
- Frogs & turtles
- Mammals
- Mythological creatures
- Humorous, pretentious, or fantasy
Creative Process
So many of you have requested a resource like this over years!
While the basic idea has been rolling around my brain for some time, it all came to fruition when I asked my site designer Alice Priestley if she would like to tackle this project.
Combining coding skills, drawing, a love of language, and a whole lotta creativity, it was a perfect fit for Alice’s multiple talents.
We’ve had a lot of fun behind the scenes testing the tool to see what sorts of names it would suggest. If you love a mishmash of word play, creative writing, and poetry, you’ll be nodding your head right now knowing how enjoyable this can be.
Sample Names

- Improbable Polliwog Patch
- Decidedly Weird Birdie Nest
- Disastrous Dandelion Haven
- Whimsical Bean Pole Manor
- Moonlit Robin Nursery
- Lucky Dill Hood
It was quite something to be sure the results generated are satisfyingly creative yet roll off the tongue but I do believe both have been achieved.
And with that, a big thank you to Alice for making yet another creative wish come true.
The challenge now is to decide which name I want to use for my garden. So many good options!
If you had fun using it, please share this page with friends!
~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛
Garden Planner

Empress of Dirt
Printable Garden Planner & Notes
An assortment of basic garden checklists, undated calendars, and note pages for planning and tracking your gardening season.
About The Planner | Visit Ebook Shop
This is a digital file (PDF format) you save to your device to print as much as you like for your own personal use. It is not a physical product.
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