Crafts and DIY projects for lavender lovers including sachets, soap, and other soothing gifts.
If you want to grow your own, also see How to Successfully Grow Lavender for tips.

Crafting With Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula) is a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae) with many different species.
Depending on your climate and plant choice, lavender may be grown annually or perennially. This tells how to identify types of lavender.
I always have several varieties in my garden for a very simple reason: I just love how it looks and, of course, bees love it too.
Different varieties have different properties so choose yours based on whether you want it as an ornamental plant or to harvest it for cooking, beauty products, scented sachets, or dried arrangements. The Lavender Growing Guide has examples of different varieties and their uses.
Lavender | Genus: Lavandula

Woody herb / Sub-shrub
• Hardy species suit zones 5 to 9
• Full sun 6+ total hours per day
• Well-draining, sandy-loam soil
• Flower colors: white, pink, blue, purple
• Trim flowers after blooming to two-inches above the woody parts
- Lavender Growing Guide
- Lavender dye recipe for fabric
Lavender Craft & Project Ideas

Harvesting Lavender
First, you need some lavender. As mentioned, if you are not growing your own, you might find some locally through a garden friend or at a farmer’s market.
You can also order lavender, lavender seeds, and lavender oils by mail-order.
Etsy has lots of dried lavender flowers here.
Sweets and Treats
- Patti of Hearth & Vine has recipes for lavender sugar, syrup, and cookies.
- Tanya of Lovely Greens makes lavender honey cookies.
- Stephanie of Garden Therapy shows how to make infused sugars including lavender and say cheers with lavender soda and lemonade.
- Lynne of Sensible Gardening and Living makes lavender jelly.
Have you ever tried soap-making? I made my first soap years ago (free instructions here) and got hooked. Not only did I manage to create a soap I love, but one batch lasts for years. I see why so many people get into selling their homemade soaps and lotions. Once you try it, you want to experiment more.
- Tanya of Lovely Greens has lots of soap tutorials including lavender rosemary hand soap.
- Stephanie of Garden Therapy makes lavender and cocoa butter bath melts.
- Use plants from your garden including lavender to dye fabrics. See a lavender dye recipe here.
- Jami of An Oregon Cottage will relax you with these lavender and flax seed warming pillows and heat pads.
- Kristin of Live Simply makes lavender candles.
- Stephanie of Garden Therapy shares how to make these sweet lavender eye pillows.
Sweet Dreams
- Patti of Hearth & Vine makes lavender bath bags and sachets.
- Shelle of Preparedness Mama shows us how to harvest lavender.
And Toto Too
Who doesn’t like the scent of lavender? Fleas!
- Stephanie of Garden Therapy keeps her little Meatball (dog) happy with anti-flea dog shampoo.
~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛