In this short documentary from the 1980s, gardener Carol Bowlby shows how she feeds her family of five for seven months of the year in Halifax, Canada with her urban vegetable garden.
Also see how to grow food indoors all year-round for another way to provide fresh veggies for your family.

Urban Food Gardening

Edible gardens are very trendy right now but growing food wherever one lives is nothing new (of course): it’s basic survival and common sense. Charles Barnard encouraged city gardening back in the 1800s and wrote this wonderful little book about it. As far as trends go, I love this one because even when the fad fades, there will be lots of new gardeners who will carry on with their own edible landscapes.
The short documentary you’re about to see if one of my all-time favorites. I re-watch it every so often to get revved up with my own food garden plans. Filmed in 1980s, it shows how Carol Bowlby feeds her family of five for seven months of the year using produce from her own cold climate, city garden in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. She clearly developed a reliable, organized approach to food growing.
She’s a lifelong gardener with smart and practical approaches to making the most of her plot of land. Considering this is long before the plethora of tools, tricks, information, and online resources we have today, it’s quite impressive and inspiring. And tells you that you don’t need all the fancy extras to grow good, healthy food wherever you are.
My Urban Garden, Polly Bennell, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
You can watch it on the page here or use the link below to see a larger screen at the National Film Board of Canada site.
~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛
My Urban Garden
In this short film, Halifax gardener Carol Bowlby harvests a mouth-watering crop from her small backyard plot. In considering soil quality, lack of space and a short growing season challenges rather than obstacles, she offers a wealth of practical growing tips for urban gardeners. By heeding Bowlby’s advice, bountiful organic gardens work equally well on apartment balconies, in small or large city lots or in a rural setting. [Source]

Growing Vegetables
A Weekly Indoor & Outdoor Seed Sowing Plan for Beginners
by Melissa J. Will
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