Use this spring gardening checklist to get your garden in shape as the days become warmer and longer. While some tasks should wait until after last frost, there are plenty of things to do now. For … [Read more...]
Seasonal Checklists
Growing Softwood Cuttings: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide
Use softwood cuttings to propagate new plants from favorite annuals and perennials. Includes recommended plants and detailed step-by-step instructions. In late fall and winter, you can root older … [Read more...]
Midsummer Garden Tasks: What To Do Before Fall
With the early summer rush behind us, there are plenty of midsummer tasks to keep the garden in top shape and get a jump start on fall. Watering, seed sowing, propagating cuttings, composting and pest … [Read more...]
Fall Garden Checklist & Helpful Reminders
This fall garden cleanup checklist covers what to tidy, organize, store, winterize, leave for the winter, and plant for spring. Tasks are listed by priority to ensure the important items are taken … [Read more...]
When to Take Plant Cuttings (Season By Season)
You can grow new plants by propagating perennial shrubs and vines year-round from softwood, semi-ripe, and hardwood cuttings. Our calendar lists optimum timing for a variety of common plants. If … [Read more...]