It is so satisfying when a garden tip is simple yet solves a problem or makes things easier. Have a look at these ideas and see what could help with your gardening.
For more helpful solutions also see 5 Smart Uses for a Dollar Store Waste Basket where this one simple item has several handy uses.
Simple Garden Tips That Really Work
While some of these ideas may sound odd to beginners, we gardeners are a resourceful lot and if there’s a neat trick to speed things up or make things easier, we’re in!
These are all simple hacks I use in my own garden.
1Germinate Seeds in a Crock Pot or Instant Pot
If you want to speed up seed germination or check if old seeds are still viable, you can use a crock pot or Instant Pot to encourage them.
2Make Seed Tapes With Toilet Paper
Seed tapes are handy for controlling where seeds grow. I use them for tiny seeds that otherwise might blow away. They are also handy for sowing seeds in a sloped garden bed to keep the seeds in place while roots are forming.
3Convert Grass Lawn to Garden Beds With Cardboard
It takes several months, but a layer of cardboard really can get rid of grass lawn without having to dig up the turf.
4Start Unpredictable Seeds in Paper Towel
Start any slow-growing seeds like avocado or mango in paper towels (or scraps of cotton fabric) instead of soil. The advantage is, you can check on them to see if they are indeed sprouting or abandon ship if they’re not. Once they’ve got some roots, you can plant them in containers confident your new plants are off to a good start.
5Dry Herbs in Microwave
It takes some trial and error to get the timing right, but a microwave oven is handy for drying herbs for cooking and teas. It’s also a fast way to create instant pressed flowers and leaves for crafts. While a food dehydrator is ideal for this, an oven or toaster oven can work too.
6Pick The Right Pen For the Job
If you want a marking pen for plant tags that will not fade in the sun, use an oil-based marking pen. They are often sold as “paint pens.”
If you want a somewhat temporary marking pen, choose a water-based one. These will gradually fade in the sun.
Brands like Sharpie sell both types.
- Learn more about Marking Pens for Gardeners
7Use Sticky Traps to Catch Fungus Gnats
It’s such a relief when something simple solves a problem without doing other harm. If you have fungus gnats leaping out of your houseplant potting mix, yellow sticky traps can catch them.
8Grow New Tomato Plants From Cuttings
You can take cuttings from tomato plants any time during the growing season and root them for new plants. Because they are cuttings, the new plants will be clones of (the same as) the original plants. I do this at the end of the summer and grow the plants indoors over the winter.
9Use Your Fridge and Freezer to Cold Stratify Seeds
If you have struggled to germinate hardy wildflowers and other native plant seeds, have a look at the fridge-freezer method shown here. It seems to fast-track the freeze-thaw cycle many of these seeds need prior to germination.
- See the video instructions here: Best Delphinium Germination Method
10Use Organic Yard Waste to Fill Large Planters
If you are growing in large planters or raised beds, there is no need to fill the entire container with (expensive) soil or compost. Depending on what you’re growing, the plants may need just 6 to 12 inches of root space up top. Use yard waste like grass clippings and pruned branches to fill the rest of the space. They will gradually decompose and further enrich your soil.
11Don’t Dig If You Don’t Need To
For years we’ve been told to till and turn our soil before planting. Turns out, this may not be necessary and could harm the soil structure. And, ultimately, why do the extra work if you don’t need to?
- Learn more about No-Dig Gardening
- Meet Ruth Stout – An Inspiring No-Dig Gardener
12Know Your Growing Conditions
We get to know our gardens with time and experience. We can also do simple assessments to better understand our growing conditions.
- Full Sun To Shade: How To Assess Light Conditions In Your Garden
- Well-Draining Soil: How to Check If You Have It
- Simple DIY Soil Type Test
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~Melissa the Empress of Dirt ♛